Sara Layman's Personal Page

Junior                                     Senior

After a semester at UNCA, I went to Messiah College outside Harrisburg, PA and got my BS in Early Childhood Education. I fully enjoyed a liberal arts education sometimes against the departments wishes!

I got my first job teaching two weeks after graduation. I moved to Washington, DC and lived on Capital Hill for 8 years. I taught at Camp Springs Christian School for 2.5 years. To supplement my income I was a waitress at a pizza joint right next to the Capitol building; here I met my future husband who was cooking the pizza. Good thing schools pay so poorly! Lol!

When I left Camp Springs school, I got a job doing data entry for Clean Water Action, a grass-roots environmental group. In the three years I worked for them, I built the job into data management for 6 states.

In 1990 I married Justin at my home church, St. James Episcopal, on Capital Hill. We honeymooned in Europe on a student tour co-lead by my parents. Justin got an A. :) Justin's parents live in the area and we see them often.

In 1991 I went to work for the National Episcopal AIDS Coalition (NEAC)as a conference planner, educator and data manager.

I've been home with my kids since Kolbe was 6 monthes old. I got laid off and never went back. Next year Greg will be 3 and may start montessori school a couple of hours a day. It will be my first free time in 8 years! I'm thinking of going back to school for a masters degree. I have no idea what in...or I have so many ideas I can't choose. I have 3 children, Kolbe (7½), Ada Virginia (5) and Greg (2½). Justin is a network manager in LAN/WAN stuff for a law firm downtown. In 1995 we moved out of DC and into the suburbs of Maryland where we bought a house; it was fine for 2 +1 kid but is very small for 2 + 3 kids! We still attend St. James where I teach Sunday School and am on the vestry. I enjoy living near DC and find that stuff I learned on my Senior trip still works. Justin says I should mention that I nurture him and allow him to beat me in poker and scrabble but that is a BIG LIE. I do a few odd jobs during the year to pick up cash. I take passports to the Indian Embassy to get visas for a man in SC who takes groups over for 6 week visits. I make quilted stars for NEAC to present as awards.

For fun I mostly play with the kids! I think they are way more entertaining than tv. I read (of course) and listen to music daily, quilt and recently tried cross-stitch, I belong to a support group online for parents of Sept. '97 babies, work on the herb garden (it is VERY low maintenance). I make jewelry out of beads, mostly earrings for me. I used to make pottery but since we moved out of the city it is harder to get kiln and wheel time. I think; this year I'm taking a class at church on the hebrew scriptures part of a 4 year set of classes called Education For Ministry.

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