Steve Ross' Personal Page

Junior                                     Senior

I graduated from Wheaton College with a degree in Mathematics. I met and married my wife Colleen in College. She is a Navy brat whose father just retired after 33 years as a chaplain. We have two boys, David - 9 and Stephen II - 11

While in college I entered the ROTC program and became an officer in the Army. I started out planning to join the reserves but felt God leading me onto active duty. I thought it would just be for 3 years and headed off to Germany. 16 years later I am still in and enjoying myself. I am now a Major and work in the Signal Corps. I work primarily with computer networks and other special communications like satellite. The Army has allowed us to live in 5 states, Germany twice and also Korea. We have moved 14 times but each new place has been interesting and we have seen so many things.

Along with my army life I got my pilots license and both Colleen and I are scuba Dive Masters. We enjoy travel and are involved with the local church. Colleen is the Religious Education Coordinator for the chapel here and teaches for the Red Cross.

We currently live in Germany where we have been for the last year. We will be here for 2 more years. I am really looking forward to renewing old friendships that have meant so much to me.

Mail (33 cent stamp) CMR 431, Box 2252 APO, AE 09175

Home Address 4464B Edison Str 62485 Darmstadt, Germany

Phone 01149-6151-538196



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